To say Custom PC has undergone a transformation in its most recent incarnation would be understating things a tad. Gone are the staffers, replaced by Dennis Publishing with freelancers, while editor James Gorbold returns to industry with Ben Hardwidge taking on the role in his stead.
Under its new leadership, the mag has enjoyed a reinvention: new columnists have been brought on board to rejuvenate the content and offer something more than month-old news. One of those columnists is me, with a brand-new two-page section called Mobile Tech Watch.
It’s not the first time I’ve written for Custom PC: previously, I worked under James Gorbold to produce the news analysis and opinion column Download, while the news articles I had written for Bit-Tech were culled and reprinted in the front of the magazine. When Custom PC underwent a redesign that saw the page size shrink, however, Download left the building and so did I.
It’s good to be back, and while this initial column was completed to a short deadline I’m looking forward to what the future will bring. A regular monthly column on a set topic gives you a chance to set up interviews, briefings and behind-the-scenes access which simply isn’t possible with one-off features and will hopefully result in a quality read.
It’s early days, but the magazine’s rebirth appears to be going down well with its readers so far. In my opinion, things are only going to get better.