Custom PC, Issue 108

Custom PC Issue 108 CoverIn this month’s Custom PC magazine, my regular Mobile Tech Watch takes a look at some impressive display technologies that are making their way into mobile devices: the Tactus Tactile Layer, LG’s five-inch Full HD panel, and Japan Display’s 651ppi monster.

Apple gets a lot of press for its ‘Retina Display’ products – despite not actually manufacturing or designing the high-resolution panels itself. As the column shows, however, the company is going to have some serious competition on its hands in the near future. LG’s five-inch Full HD panel, for example, boasts a full 1920×1080 resolution for a 440 pixel per inch (ppi) density – blowing Apple’s products out of the water.

For even more detail, Japan Display’s 651ppi panel is difficult to beat – although, sadly, it measures just 2.3 inches diagonally. Both companies’ creations do however demonstrate a growing trend towards increasing pixel density which – when handled cleverly – can result in a major quality boost over existing display systems.

The odd one out this month is Tactus. Unlike LG or Japan Display’s technologies, the Tactus Tactile Layer doesn’t improve the image quality of the device at all. Instead, it adds actual raised keys for a real keyboard-like feeling on tablets and smartphones. How? Well, you’ll have to pick up the latest issue of Custom PC magazine to find out!

The magazine should be in all good – and quite a few sketchy – newsagents now, or you can pick it up on the Zinio digital distribution service.

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