Meet the Raspberry Pi

Meet the Raspberry Pi CoverI’m pleased to be able to announce the publication of my first book, Meet the Raspberry Pi. Co-written with Eben Upton, co-founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, the book is a cut-down version of the Raspberry Pi User Guide – 114 pages to ~240 pages. It leaves out the sections on learning to program in Scratch and Python, along with some other nice-to-have specificities, but retains the most important sections for a newcomer to the Pi.

Topics covered in the book include setting up the Pi for the first time, including physical connections, network configuration and flashing the SD card, an introduction to using Linux – both at the command line and in the GUI – and a section on using the Pi’s general-purpose input/output (GPIO) port in Python.

Unlike the Raspberry Pi User Guide, Meet the Raspberry Pi is only being released as an eBook – but if you’re interested, and have a spare £3.29, it’s available to purchase in the Amazon Kindle Store now. The Raspberry Pi User Guide is expected to follow as soon as possible – the publisher is just finishing up getting that ready for publication too.

Make sure to let me know what you think of the book, either here or by posting a review on Amazon!


Links for other sites and services:
iTunes UK, iTunes US, iTunes Ireland, iTunes France, iTunes Germany.
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Bokus (Sweden).
Tesco eBooks (no, really. That’s totally a thing. Apparently.)

3 thoughts on “Meet the Raspberry Pi

  1. Some comments people have made about the book:

    The book covers everything you need to know to get your R Pi up and running from installing the OS image on the SD chip to basic Linux administration. Even the photos included rendered well on my Kindle Touch. The trouble shooting section is detailed enough that most problems will be solved. I particularly enjoyed the information on the GPIO port. I can’t wait to get my hands on a Gert Board and start some serious tinkering! Bottom line: this small version of Meet the Raspberry Pi hits the mark nicely. It is well worth the price for anyone that needs a little help getting up and going with the R Pi!

    Bought it and now I can’t get my grandson to eat his evening meal – he’s ‘absorbing’ the ebook – his words. Reading over his shoulder, I can see this as the ideal introduction to Pi, rather than wading through all the fora and such. It reminds me of the BBC Micro and Commodore VIC-20 days.

    Already got this, read it over the weekend. As I am not a Linux expert it helped no end.

    Lovely book – very readable, and there are some nice Linux tips in there as well (and I now realise there are lots of Linux commands I just type blindly without much context!)

    The Kindle edition only cost £3.29 from Amazon and makes a great getting started guide, including mastering Linux, getting started and working with the GPIO ports. Seems like a good deal to me.

    This shorter version is ideal for beginners, and will talk you through setting up your Raspberry Pi from scratch, and get you to a position where you can start using your Raspberry Pi like a pro. It’s currently available on Amazon for £3.29, a bargain if ever there was one.

    Brilliant and easy fun guide for your raspberry pi. Buy NOW.

    I would also highly recommend either reading the Debian handbook, or perhaps picking up the recently released official ‘Meet the Raspberry Pi‘ ebook which documents the most common Debian administrative tasks including wireless networking very well.

    Das Buch bietet alle für den Einstieg in die RasPi Materie erforderlichen Informationen in kompakter Form. Das Suchen im Netz kann man auf diese Weise stark reduzieren. Alles in allem ein tolles Preis-Leistungsverhältnis.

    I like it. As a computer-literate but Linux-averse newbie, this book could have saved me many hours and a fair bit of head scratching if I’d had it when my Pi was fresh out of the box. The book seems sensibly organised and is written in a clear, straightforward style. Above all, it’s a proper book created and written by knowledgeable enthusiasts – those accustomed to the mish-mash of recycled data sheets and web pages that sometimes passes for publishing in the hobbyist world will know what I mean.

    I just downloaded the Meet the Raspberry Pi book. I found the Wireless Network Adapter section and the Overclocking section very informative. And the table of all HDMI modes also was very good info.

    The book is also currently the 10th best-selling non-fiction book for Kindle – which is amazing, so thanks very much to everyone buying a copy!

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